id: 6.11-radar-vectors title: 6.11 Radar Vectors meta: How to provide aircraft with Radar Vectors in Infinite Flight. order: 11 #

6.11 Radar Vectors #

6.11.1 #

Radar Vectors are primarily used to put aircraft into the VFR pattern for an airport. Controllers should{.red} vector aircraft into a recognizable position (e.g. downwind, base etc.), and before handing over to Tower, descend the aircraft down to pattern altitude (see table below). When aircraft call in following Radar Vectors, Tower must{.red} issue a pattern entry, a sequence (if required) and then a clearance. If the runway which is in use has an instrument approach (ILS or GPS), Controllers can vector the aircraft towards the localizer however the aircraft must{.red} not be cleared for an approach, but instead handed over to tower who will issue a pattern entry, sequence (if required) and then a clearance.

Aircraft Type Pattern Altitude
Prop 1000ft AAL
Jet 1500ft AAL

6.11.2 #

Controllers must{.red} check the Airport Elevation of the airfield they are Radar Vectoring an aircraft to so that the correct pattern altitude can be determined; and as always, consideration to surrounding terrain must{.red} be taken into account.

6.11.3 #

If the weather at the airport in question is below VMC (see 3.4 above), then aircraft must{.red} be vectored towards the instrument approach for the airport (ILS or GPS), and then handed over to Tower/Unicom at an altitude and position that allows for the aircraft to independently set up for an instrument approach to landing. In this case, descent to pattern altitude is not required, but a suitable altitude should{.red} be issued to take into account the position in relation to the airport and G/S (see 6.10.4 above).